To take the brush and belt out:
- Unplug the vacuum if it's plugged in.
- Lay the vacuum on its back, with the handle facing down and the wheels sticking up in the air.
- On the bottom of the vacuum, there is a plastic cover over the brush (probably black). Take out the five Phillips screws holding this cover in, then remove the cover.
- The brush is now exposed. Remove the brush by sliding it out, left side first, then pulling the belt off the right side to remove the brush completely.
- If the brush needs to be cleaned, clean it now by removing all of the dirt, hair, and other debris wrapped around it.
- Remove the belt by sliding it to the right, off the metal shaft, then pulling it away from the vacuum.
To put the brush and belt back in:
- To reinstall the belt, or install a new belt, slide it back onto the shaft from the right side.
- Fit the belt around the right side of the brush, so that it sits on the flat part of the brush (where there are no bristles), then push the brush in place, right side first and then left side. If your brush has a white cap on one side, the white cap should be on the right side. The right side of the brush has a round protrusion on the end, and the left side has a rectangular protrusion that you'll have to rotate so it fits into its holder correctly.
- Put the brush cover back on and screw in the five Phillips screws.
- Put the vacuum back upright.
- Plug it in and turn it on to make sure the belt and brush spin correctly.
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